Please join Green Plate Special, along with partners and friends, for their first fundraiser. Come and learn more about Green Plate Special’s mission and plans for the property at the corner of MLK and Union street. See the kitchen and garden plans (Environmental Works has been developing the kitchen plans for Green Plate Special) and learn how to get involved with their free garden-to-table program for low-income middle school youth.
Thursday, June 2nd
Cortona Cafe
2425 East Union Street, Seattle WA 98122
6:30 to 8:30pm
Bring a neighbor or friend and stop in to say hello! They will have tasty snacks and beverages; tours of the garden and property; a slide show of their work and future program; seed planting for young people. All funds raised during this event will go directly to programming for youth in the neighborhood. Consider supporting the organization with:
- $10 – allowing the youth of Green Plate Special to plant vegetables, giving them hands on experience with nutritious food.
- $35 – helps Green Plate Special build partnerships in the community to provide free programming.
- $100- helps Green Plate Special build the kitchen where youth will learn how easy it is to cook delicious and nutritious food.
There are many ways to get involved including:
- In-kind donations – Do you own a restaurant, have a spare shovel or a garden gnome?
- Host a “garden party” – Help spread the word about Green Plate Special and raise needed funds to impact youth in the area.
- Find out if your company matches your donation – many of our local companies do
- Volunteer – Are you an expert in social media, a master gardener or just have free time. Green Plate Special wants you!
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP: Call Green Plate Special: 206-310-7393 or go to for more information.