A Pocket Park Rooted in Local History
Ballard Corners Park | SEATTLE, WA
This small pocket park in northwest Seattle was designed in collaboration with the surrounding neighborhood. The design concept, artistic details, and interpretive elements are strongly rooted in local history. Support from community volunteers and historical donor tiles helped make this park a success; neighbors continue to garden and maintain the site with regular work parties. The park features a playful concrete living room, native plantings, a demonstration rain garden, natural and structured play areas, and a gateway entrance with “soda fountain style” interpretive tabletops and spinning bar stools that hearken back to the neighborhood corner stores that peppered the Ballard district. The rain garden in the right-of-way filters runoff from the street.
This project was designed by Barker Landscape Architects (now with Environmental Works).
Friends of Ballard Corners Park
City of Seattle -
Landscape Architecture
10,000 SF