Rejuvenating Community Waterfront Parks


Barker Landscape Architects (now with Environmental Works) has designed several Edmonds Waterfront Parks to take advantage of the outstanding view of the Olympics, and to tell the story of Edmonds. A waterfront promenade connects all the parks, including Brackett's Landing North, Brackett's Landing South, Mid-Waterfront Esplanade, and Olympic Beach Park. Work included replacing deteriorated bulkheads with new concrete bulkheads, several stairways providing beach access, a curved terraced waterfront seating area, ADA access to the shoreline, new native landscaping, and art. The Waterfront Walkway fulfills the City of Edmonds’ vision of creating an expansive and vibrant public waterfront consisting of a series of parks.

  • City of Edmonds

  • Landscape Design

  • 50,000 SF

  • 2021