A Residence for Low-Income Young Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

PROVAIL Brain Space TBI | Shoreline, WA

EW has partnered with PROVAIL for over 20 years to support their work providing an array of community-based services to people with disabilities.  In 2013, PROVAIL approached EW about designing a residence in Shoreline for 12 low-income young adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI).  PROVAIL sought to build a shared home that ideally suited these residents, with an eye to establishing a standard for future shared homes for people with disabilities.

The completed BrainSpace brings to life PROVAIL’s priorities for a state-of-the-art TBI residence.  The expansive living room features soaring ceilings and a fireplace, contributing to the homelike, non-institutional feel.  Two wings each house six bedrooms (with a total of four set aside for veterans), along with smaller activity rooms that include quiet space which residents can close off.  BrainSpace exceeds the requirements for full accessibility for people with physical disabilities, and is built to Evergreen Sustainable Development Standards.


  • Architectural Design

  • ESDS

  • 12 Bed Home with Common Amenities
    5,000 SF

  • 2016